Development projects
The City of Stockholm is carrying out an extensive effort for development through digitalisation. Starting 2018, it is possible for the agencies and administration of the City of Stockholm to apply for project founding in order to develop new innovative services.
The idea of the applying projects needs to be in line with the Strategy for Stockholm as a Smart and Connected City. In order to apply for project founding the project needs to achieve two main conditions: the services need to be innovative and to contribute to the common good for the residents of the City of Stockholm.
Three developing projects are currently in active:
Everything about the Stockholm-air
In about a year the people suffering from asthma will gain a new powerful tool. The Environment Administration Office is currently developing an application where a four-day prognosis of the levels of air pollution is presented. The prognoses will show detailed levels of air pollution, almost per street-block.
The department SLB-analysis at the Environment Administration Office are developing the air-quality application.
Grant-applications online
The project will establish a digital application for the city-founded grants. This will lead to better accessibility and service for the residents, as well as a digital application ease the workload for the agency.
A new digital report for the parents-support-program
The project aims to develop a new digital report-system for parents who wants to participate in the City of Stockholm’s parental support programme. The new service seeks to reach more parents with different needs and to give them equal and accessible information, regardless of what programme they are interested in.
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